Make your own Kombucha

Kombucha is a wonderful and amazing cultured probiotic beverage and people have been consuming fermented foods for thousands of years. When I wrote this blog originally, it seemed like kombucha had become the biggest fad, with every health food store carrying multiple flavours, to Kombucha bars opening up in major city centers. It’s expensive to try before you buy when it truly is so much cheaper and super easy to make at home. We made it for a science fair project when my daughter was small. This is my quick beginner approach to how it make it home xo

Making the Scoby and Kombucha

In order to make Kombucha, you need to make the Mother- or the SCOBY (Symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) The SCOBY eats the sugar and turns your drink fizzy.

 ServingsIngredientsMaking the SCOBYsterile glass jar (sterilize with boiling water and white vinegar). Handle with tongs.1 litre boiled water1 cup loose black tea or 8-10 bags of black tea bags1/3 cup Organic cane sugarcheesecloth big enough to cover the mouth of your jar.1 elastic band to cover cheesecloth on the jar mouth.1 cloth or blanket to cover the jar to keep warmMaking the KOMBUCHAsterile glass jar (sterilize with boiling water and white vinegar). Handle with tongs.2 litres steeped tea (Any flavour you wish! Use bags or loose tea)1/3 cup Organic cane sugar1 piece SCOBY you can can cut any size of the SCOBY and drop it in1 cheesecloth big enough to cover the mouth of your jar.1 elastic band to cover cheesecloth on the jar mouth.1 cloth or blanket to cover the jar to keep warm


Making the SCOBY

  1. Take about 1 cup of loose black tea, or about 8-10 black tea bags, of your choice.
  2. Add about 1litre of boiled water and let steep.
  3. If using loose tea, make sure to strain the tea once cooled.
  4. Add about 1 cup of organic cane sugar
  5. Add one bottle of storebought kombucha, or about 2 cups from another batch. No need to buy any online kits!
  6. Cover with cheese cloth and an elastic. This is a living organism, so you need to let it breathe, but ensure that bacteria like dust and debris do not enter the jar. Cover with a cloth and leave in a warm and humid place- like your bathroom or a hot yoga studio! (hehe)
  7. After 7 days, you will start to see the SCOBY start to form on the surface. After another 7, it will start to thicken up and become a perfect rubbery feeling, SCOBY!!

Making the KOMBUCHA

  1. Follow the same four steps as you did when making the SCOBY. Instead of black tea, choose any flavoured tea you like! I’ve used Mango, Hibiscus, Pineapple, Strawberry, Blueberry Acai, Mint, Cranberry, Lemon, Blackberry, Or you can mix your own!
  2. Take your nicely thickened SBOBY and portion for however many teas you are making. I like to still keep some in the original tea jar that formed your SCOBY. It will continue to grow so you can reuse. Just be mindful to not drink the SCOBY tea. It will be very vinegar like. Keep adding sugar every few weeks to feed the SCOBY.
  3. After one week, you will start to see a little change. After two weeks, you will have fizzy kombucha. If you let is sit longer, it will start to turn more vinegar like. Play around with your personal tastes and enjoy!

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