There are so many reasons why people start an exercise program. The headlines “exercise to lose weight, exercise to build muscle�? etc., catch our attention. But have you ever thought about exercising to just have fun?
Our society is so wrapped up on having an end result with exercising that it puts a tremendous amount of pressure on people just starting out in their wellness journey. Or worse, you feel you aren’t good enough to start exercising because it’s intimidating being in environments with people who seem to know what they’re doing and you don’t. Change the way you think about exercise. Instead of thinking, “I should really start exercising because I’m overweight�? think, “That sounds like a lot of fun and I’ll probably be really happy doing it.�? I’m the queen of finding the fun in exercise. Really, it’s the only way I personally can commit to it.
I want to challenge you to sign up for something that sounds like fun and will get you moving! Grab a group of friends and join an adult swim lesson or adult skating. Or grab your kids or spouse and do something fun with them. You won’t even know you’re exercising. Or get over your fear and try out a program by yourself. I promise, it’s only fear holding you back!
If your kids have you tied up in activities, get moving while you’re waiting for their class or session. Walk a track at their skating rink – do walking lunges, squats, sprints etc.! Listen to your favourite music, podcast, personal development, inspirational messages or audio training while you’re doing it. Something that is interesting so you begin to look forward to this time.
When my kids were really small I accepted the fact that I might not make it to a gym or studio regularly and that was OK. Your kids are small only once, and not for that long of time. I turned to the outdoors and our trips to the park to practise yoga. Using the play structures to exercise, and just play around with them. To me this was the best kind of exercise.
While doing yoga pictures promoting our beautiful city, we asked two city employees if they’d like to do a downward dog pyramid with me. Before stark horror could set in, they agreed and I’m fairly certain they had fun – and they didn’t even know they were doing yoga